Venue: Nuffield Health & Squash Club, St Albans, Herts Al4 0AH
Entry Cost is £15 per event, non members need to join at a cost of only £10 per annum
T-Shirt and goody bag included with the entry cost
Age Categories
Men’s Singles: 035/O40/O50/O60/O65/O70/O75/O80
Non-County : O40-49/ O50-59/ O60-64/ O65+
Women’s: O35/O45/O55/O65
Men’s Doubles: O40/O50/O60/O70/O75
Women’s Doubles: O35+
Mixed Doubles: Men O35+ / Women’s O35+
Entries online at
Entries Close Friday 2nd May 2025
For further information contact: Keith Ragg: Email: