News from the Nationals
Unfortunately Adrian Waller was unable to rattle the reigning champion Nick Matthew yesterday in the quarter finals losing
11/6, 11/6, 11/4 (31m)
Isobel Smith put up a good fight against No.1 Seed Mandy Akin in O50 quarter final losing 9-1, 9-3, 8-10, 10-8 {27m}
Sheila Blake in the other half of the draw played No.2 Seed Fiona Mclean in O50, and had her work cut outĀ against an opponent who was ‘on fire’, losing 9-1, 9-3, 9-1 {15m}
Eamonn Price won his quarter final in MO50 against Martin Geear winning 12/10 in the fifth, what a game. Unfortunately Eamonn lost his semi final today against Peter Gunter losing 11-6, 11-7, 11-7 (31m)
For more reports and photos, go to the Nationals website