Hertfordshire Squash Rules for the Herts Cup |
1. The cup competition is linked to the league and will be governed by the same team restrictions as the league. 2. The teams for the cup should be made up from your normal league teams in the same nominated order. 3. Ties will consist of the best of five sets played PAR to 15 with 2 clear points at 14-14. 4. If a player does play for a higher team this will not count as far as the league is concerned and players will still be able to play 3 matches for a higher team in the league before being committed to that team. To play in the final each player must have played at least four league games for one team. 5. The team listed higher shall be deemed to be the “home” side. 6. The responsibility should be on the home team to make contact with their opposition so that a suitable venue and date can be set. All costs for the evening are to be split between the 2 teams. 7. A minimum of 2 attempts to contact the away team should be made by the home team; failure to make any contact will result in the match being forfeited by the HOME team. 8. After 2 bona fide attempts of the Home Team Captain contacting the Away Team Captain, then the responsibility of contacting and organising should fall on the Away Team Captain and failure to make any arrangements will result in the match being forfeited by the AWAY team. 9. Any concerns should be addressed to the Herts Committee who will endeavor to resolve any issues and will try to ensure fair play. |